Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Klock Werks — Day Two at the Bonneville Salt Flats

Day Two at the Bonneville Salt Flats - Delayed Start But Records Still Broken
The Krew had a delayed start to racing yesterday because of rain...but they made up for the lost time once they were able to get on the course.  Below are some photos from yesterday and an update from Laura Klock.  She is wearing the hat of a racer and the hat of a mother...what huge responsibilities and an awesome perspective! 

FROM LAURA:  Wow what a day. We were up and ready to go at sunrise, only to find out that it had rained enough the night before and racing was postponed. Check back at 10 am. So the krew headed to the salt flats cafe, had breakfast and strategized of course.
One quick team photo before we hit the course!
At 11:30 a.m. we were told they were going to check the track around 3, and then it started raining again. This is our 5th year out here and I've never experienced rain out on the salt. Interesting!
Laura on her Victory Vision - increased her record from last year already!
The sun came out though and it got hot quick, so we were ALL in line ready to roll before 3!Wow can you see Team Klock Werks coming when we roll up...6 bikes. Gives you goosebumps! They kept us together the best they could so one after the other we had successful passes, so successful that 5 of us did returns right after!
Klock Werks Race team bikes...definitely make a statement of unity!
Records went down!! Erika, Karlee, Michelle, and Chris each has SO FAR taken the records in their classes, and I was able to increase the speed on the Victory Vision enough to up mine! This could change of course as more people run, but right now we are headed out again to start day 3. It’s COLD this morning but will warm up quick.
Chris – lookin’ good in his leathers!

So I gotta go race!
More to come...both of our daughters went faster than mom yesterday!! Personal bests for each of them. Pretty cool for me, that's for sure!!
Karlee doing some last minute mental preparation...or some shut eye while she waits in line??

God gave us fast angels, so stay tuned in to our websites, www.kustombaggers.com,www.worldsfastestbagger.comwww.lauraklock.com, our facebook pages and Klock Werks YouTube channel for daily updates from the Salt. 
Klock Werks Race Team: where passion and fuel mix!