Tuesday, August 31, 2010

California — EPA Muffler Label Stamps Bill PASSES

Associated Press
California lawmakers want to put a plug in the earsplitting roar from modified motorcycles.
The state Senate today voted 21-16 to pass SB435. The bill makes it a crime to operate a motorcycle manufactured after Jan. 1, 2013, that fails to meet federal noise-emission control standards.

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,
I am writing in a last ditch effort to defeat AB 435, which is headed for your desk. While some of the worst aspects of this bill have been pulled, there is still a technical problem that will have a terrible effect on the motorcycle industry in California. 

There has been no provision made for special construction builds. Under the new law any bike built after 2013 must bear a sticker that matches the labeling on the exhaust system. A special construction motorcycle will not bear this sticker, thus all special construction custom bikes built in California after 2013 will be illegal. 

As a motorcyclist yourself, I am sure you are aware that California is a leader in the nation of the custom motorcycle world. This bill will put one more nail in the coffin of more struggling small businesses in California.

I urge you to veto AB 435.

Kit Maira
V-Twin News
Agoura Hills, CA