Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Helmet Law Modification Sought In Massachusetts

If State Senator Steven Brewer, Representative Anne Gobi and the Modified Motorcycle Association have their way, motorcyclists 21 and over will be free to choose whether or not to wear a motorcycle helmet. 
       Another proposed bill by Senator Robert Hedlund would allow motorcyclists from other states without helmet laws to choose their headgear. 
       Paul Cote, Justice Rider and BOLT of Massachusetts, said there is an economic incentive to pass the legislation because motorcyclists travel to nearby states that do not require helmets and spend money while there. New Hampshire has no motorcycle-helmet law, while Maine and Connecticut require protective headgear for all riders under age 18. Rhode Island law requires riders under age 21 to wear helmets. “What you’re missing in Massachusetts is with 185,000 registered bikes, a large portion of them are going out of state every weekend to go ride without a helmet... “There’s no wall around Massachusetts.” Source: The Lowell Sun, Easyriders magazine.