Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mustang On The Move

Press Release: New Products, New Direction… Same Old-Fashioned Yankee Craftsmanship
Mustang is on the move… literally. In addition to adding staff, expanding existing seat ranges for Gold Wings, doubling up on offerings for Victory and introducing an all-new line of replacement seats for Triumphs, Mustang has moved, at least the sales and marketing departments, that is. No more in a satellite office in Terryville, Connecticut, sales and marketing are now located in the original factory in Three Rivers, Massachusetts. 

 “The goal was to bring all of Mustang’s offices under one roof,” explains Marketing Director Marilyn Simmons. “We needed to unplug for a couple of days in order to bring our state-of-the-art call center on line, but we are back up and running full steam ahead! With the notable exception of our big rig crew out at the rallies, our entire team is now in the same New England town we have been in since the company was founded back in 1980.” 
       The reasons for upgrading the historic old factory outweighed the investment. “A benefit of bringing sales, marketing, R&D and manufacturing together is that we can greatly accelerate the time it takes to bring a new seat to market," says Simmons. "Good thing, too! Mustang is already beta testing the first custom seat program ever offered in our 33 year history.”
        “We also rolled out a range of seats for Triumph’s Bonneville and Thunderbird models... and that is just the tip of the iceberg,” suggests Simmons. “The synergy of having all of us under one roof cannot be underestimated. What used to take weeks of back-and-forth e-mails can now be resolved face-to-face in a matter of minutes, which will really streamline the product development cycle.”
        The launch of the new logo last fall and the new big rig being unveiled during Daytona Bike Week was a signal that a revitalized, reinvigorated Mustang was on the move! “We might be expanding, but we are not changing what brought us here,” Marilyn adds. “The same unwavering focus on quality, comfort and total customer satisfaction, combined with our proud heritage of Yankee craftsmanship, will continue to guide Mustang moving forward.”


  • Creating a state-of-the-art call center in the Three Rivers facility.
  • Revitalizing the historic renovated textile mill building Mustang has always been in.
  • Hiring, not firing. On the sales side Mustang recently brought industry veteran Steve Veltri on board… and that is just one of the strategic moves being made.
  • Expanding the product range… adding the distressed brown and stitching options (diamond stitch and Tuck & Roll) last year was phase #1. Expanding the Victory and Gold Wing seat applications and adding a Triumph line was phase #2. A custom seat program is the next phase…but stay tuned for more!

All contact info remains the same, with the exception of the mailing and shipping addresses:
Tel: 800-243-1392 or 413-668-1100
Fax: 800-243-1399 or 860-585-0407
Web: www.MustangSeats.com
FB: www.Facebook.com/MustangSeats