TC-24D Cam Revs Up Wild Things Line
Küryakyn is proud to announce the release of the new TC-24D cam. This bolt-in performance cam fits all 2007 to 2013 Harley-Davidson Twin Cam models (2006 to 2013 Dynas). The cam is an extension of Küryakyn’s “Wild Things” performance line, and a component of the new Perfect Storm Plus system.
“The TC-24D cams were designed exclusively for the late model Twin Cam bikes and perform beyond expectations,” says Mike Roland, Küryakyn’s Performance Division Manager. “When combined with the Perfect StormTM intake, Crusher Duals exhaust and Power Cell, the TC-24D rivals the output of a lot of ‘built’ engines. It truly is the biggest bang for your buck out there.”

Since the introduction of the “Wild Things” performance line in 2003, Küryakyn has continued to be innovators in the performance industry. The product line was also named Performance Product of the Year in 2011 for Küryakyn’s breakthrough Perfect Storm performance package.
Küryakyn Holdings LLC