Monday, July 9, 2012

Sturgis Saloon In Legal Dispute With Easyriders On The Eve Of Sturgis Rally

Easyriders Saloon & Steakhouse at the corner of Junction Avenue and Lazelle Street in Sturgis has covered its signs due to pending litigation (as reported in the Rapid City Journal on June 13, 2012).
Regarding the above photo:
I know that some of you are curious as to what happened with the Easyriders Saloon, which was opened in Sturgis with much fanfare last year. Frankly, so am I. After some negotiations between Easyriders and the saloon owners, the owners abruptly cut off all communications. In so doing, the Saloon owners have taken the position that they should stop using the name Easyriders in the name of the Saloon. Unfortunately, they have put us in a position in which we may need to have the courts decide the issues between us.
       We remain hopeful that the Saloon owners will reconsider their unilateral decision to cut off all communications. They have not done so yet. We do not know if they will begin to communicate with us again before the Rally, but until they indicate a willingness to talk, it appears they will operate without the "Easyriders Saloon" name, as called for by our contract with them.
                     —Joe Teresi