Tuesday, April 11, 2017

76-year-old Owner, Joe Teresi, 
Looking To Retire

Well Bros, I just turned 76 and luckily, 46 of those years were spent as the lead dog of Easyriders, V-Twin, Road Iron and Tattoo magazines, to name just a few of the many titles we put out over those 46 years. It has been a HELL of a ride!
It was only possible because of the great gang you see listed on the masthead of each issue, now led by Editor-in-Chief, Dave Nichols! As I ride off into the sunset I want to make sure that these dedicated professionals will be able to continue to put out the best Biker and Tattoo magazines ever. I would prefer to sell to or through someone reading this, as opposed to posting an auction notice in the Wall Street Journal and finding some suit to take over who has no feel for what we do here at Paisano.
Thanks to all of you who have been reading our mags over the past many decades and please direct any Biker-type business owners/investors that you may know.

Keep the Shiny Side Up!
Joe Teresi
Owner and Publisher

For more information and to register to bid go to :