Monday, 17 January 2011
Amanda Weber—KVEN Black Hills FOX
In the past 70 years, millions of people have flocked to the Black Hills for one of the largest motorcycle rallies in the world. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally brings in more money to the city of Sturgis each August than any other time of the year. And now the city is considering changing some of its Rally rules.
At a public hearing Monday, the Sturgis City Council took public input on possible vending changes and new regulations on the temporary structures that are erected each year during the Rally. The city is proposing an ordinance that would put a 48-hour time limit on putting them up and taking them down. A new regulation and price on vending permits could also take effect. Currently the city issues vending licenses costing $600 and lasting 12-days but one person can obtain two of those at once giving that vendor the opportunity to stay 24 days in Sturgis.
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